"Autumn is a second spring, where every leaf is a flower."

    When I was in junior high school, I had an amazing, quirky teacher that had us keep "quote journals" in her english class. She would write a quote on the board each day and we were supposed to write about it. We could write about our interpretation or opinion- basically whatever we felt about the quote. I held onto those quote journals for a while, but I am pretty sure they got tossed in one of our moves. With that being said, I was recently thinking about how much I enjoyed that activity. I still enjoy pondering different quotes, and writing. So, I thought it might be fun to share some quotes I like- along with my thoughts and maybe a photo or two!

"Autumn is a second spring, where ever leaf is a flower." -Albert Camus

    Growing up in the deep south, fall was more about football and a respite from the hot, humid summer days. The leaves changed, but mostly just a crispy brown from dehydration and the summer heat. We had a few colors, but nothing to write home about. Now that we live in New England, I have a whole new respect for fall! It has become my absolute favorite season. The leaves here change to so many different shades of wonderful and even when they've fallen off, they're still beautiful on the ground. The tree in front of our house is currently a fiery shade of yellows, oranges and reds and it seems to get more vibrant every day. Driving anywhere on the island is such a treat these days as the colors of the forests are constantly changing. It really is absolutely breathtaking at times. Of course, it will end and winter will be well on its way to us, but for now I am enjoying every second of this beautiful "second spring" filled with new changing leaves every day!

This picture was taken last fall during a hike up the Beehive Trail in Acadia National Park. The Beehive is one of the kids favorite hikes, because it is filled with steep cliffs and rungs and ladders. For all those same reasons, it is their Mama's least favorite hike. However, these views in the fall made it amazing. We may just have to do it again soon!


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